Time and attendance (reporting)

Time and Attendance reporting is related specifically to taking staff movement within specific work times. This report directly relates to the Discipline report in the report menu.

Example: In the example here we have made a group specifically for contract who work between 7am and 6pm. If we wish to ensure that these contractors have a steady work pattern, arriving on-time and leaving on-time we select the time as listed and then refer to the discipline report to ensure contractor are at work arriving on-time, leaving on-time, and logging off.


For this group we have selected a Start time of 7am and finish time of 6pm, this is for REPORTING ONLY this is not time zone for this group.

See notes below for Discipline reporting.

Once you have selected your Start times and Finish times for your reporting (if used).

Press Next to save and continue.

NOTE: Discipline reporting.



In this example USER 1 arrived on time before 7am on Day 1,2,3,5,7,8 and 9 but left before the finish time on all days except the 4th when they did not work. USER 2 only worked on 7th but arrived late and left early. USER 3 arrived on time on day 1,2,5,6,8 and 9, arrived on time on day 3 but did not log out and did not work on the 4th and 7th day.

Allocating a Site:

Once you have attributed start and stop reporting times for the Group allocated the areas where they have access.



This will allow the Engineering staff to enter the Company's site site which includes the Front Door, Garage Entry and Exit and the Back Door.

The Engineering group in this case will then have to be granted access to the Engineering area. In the example we are using the New Group Engineering will have the option of allocating access time of Always, Never or On Schedule (in this case 07:00 to 17:59) and Mon to Fri and (07:00 to 11:59) Sat and Sun (see below).


Note: Engineering have no access to Unit 2 or Manufacturing.



Once you have finished have finished adding your groups they should appear in the Manage Groups menu.


Menu Options:

signin View the Time Zone and Site summary for the selected site.

signin Edited the selected site.

signin Re-Sync the site (re-send all Time Zone and Details).

signin Delete the site.

Staff and Users:


Staff and Users should be added here, select from the Management drop Staff/Users to add or edited new users of your site or sites.

Select Staff/Users and then press signin

to Add new staff.

Within the Manage Staff/Users Menu options are:

signin Displays entry and exits for the user selected.

signin Allows you to edit User details, access, credentials or email access.

signin Deletes all user details (note you can temporarily disable a user without deleting).


The Manage Staff/Users displays a detailed summary of all users including Name, E-MAIL, STAFF/USER SITE (Last known Location), Groups and Credentials (Cards/Fobs).


Filtering: Use the drop down menu to select the Group you wish to display. Only Users from the selected groups will display.