General Info

The general interface allows users to remotely manage the Access Control System.
The Log menu has two options: System Log shows the users' activity of the system. Events log shows all the events from the controllers connected to the system.

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The Device Menagement menu provides a brief overview of every controller within the system, aswell as their status. This status is indicated by colours; green and yellow signify the controllers connectivity to the network. Green implies the controller is connected to the network and fully functional, yellow implies the controller is not connected to the network.


Whenever an event occurs, a pop up is presented in the bottom right of the screen. The pop up contains all of the relevant information about the event, this information includes: Name of user, Location of event, direction of event (Entry / Exit) and the title of the controller. The pop also provides a menu if clicked on, this menu contains details about the user and their keys. Users are able to have multiple keys attached to their name aswell as have access to several sites. The menu also shows the type of access users have to individual sites, this is represented by colour; green implies the user has anytime access to the site, blue implies the user is only able to access the site when the timetable allows and red implies the user never has access to the site.
